How Often Do Geese Poop?

Jan 29, 2020

Geese control is important for your property. Not only are geese a nuisance, but they also pose certain health risks if not controlled properly and humanely. Geese poop can contain diseases that can have serious symptoms.”How often do geese poop?” is one of the most important questions in the geese control world. Knowing the amount of poop left by geese and how often they defecate will help you understand the importance of consulting an expert in geese control in the Columbus, Ohio area.

Frequency of Pooping

A hungry goose can consume up to 4 pounds of grass every day. This leads to high amounts of poop. Geese can poop as much as once every 12 minutes. Because they poop this often, they can leave up to 2 pounds of poop each day! What does this mean for your property? It means that if you have multiple geese inhabiting it (if you have one, you have many), then those numbers start to add up quickly. Even if you have a small number of geese, 2 pounds a day will be an eyesore on your property as well as a health hazard. In some parts of the country, entire beaches have been shut down because the amount of geese poop has caused high levels of E. coli in the water. This illustrates the need for proper geese control by a local company with many years of experience.

Diseases in Geese Poop

With up to 2 pounds of geese poop accumulating on your property every day, the likelihood that diseases may be present increases the longer you wait to implement geese control methods. There are several bacteria and viruses that are commonly associated with Canada Geese. One of the main ways those diseases travel is through poop.


Canada Geese that take up residence in the Columbus area may carry parasites with them that can harm humans. These come in the form of chlamydiosis, E. coli, Listeria, Pasteurella multocida, and Salmonella. E. coli is temperature-dependent, which means that it flourishes during the warmer months (summer in Ohio). While E. coli can be serious, the likelihood of being affected by it is low unless you are directly dealing with geese poop.


Foul plague, or avian influenza, is one type of virus that Canada Geese can carry. During an outbreak of H5N1 in 2004, geese were confirmed to be part of the group that can carry this type of virus. While these viruses are rare, scientists are still researching ways to avoid these viruses in the future.

Pond Pooping

If there is a pond or another body of water on your property, geese poop may greatly affect its cleanliness. Because a goose can poop up to 28 times a day, your water can easily become a hazardous area. Phosphorous and Nitrogen are both in geese poop and when they come into contact with bodies of water, it can lead to eutrophication. Eutrophication is a naturally occurring process, but the introduction of geese poop into this process will speed it up and cause negative side effects. Algae and weeds grow more quickly, which leads to a depletion of oxygen. This chain reaction can cause damage to the aquatic environment and even kill fish.

Ponds at Risk

Your pond is meant to be enjoyed. The outdoors are a place to enjoy time with family, escape from the busy world, and cool off during hot summer months. Protecting it from geese is of utmost importance. It only takes 1 goose on a 1-acre pond to overload it with Phosphorous. Once too much Phosphorous is introduced, weeds and algae will overgrow. Having a geese control plan in place can help maintain your pond as an enjoyable place for you.

How to Protect Yourself and Others

Knowing how to avoid the risks that geese poop poses will increase your chances of avoiding bacteria and viruses.

Avoid Geese Poop

The simplest way to shield yourself from disease is to avoid geese poop. If you have no choice but to come into contact with feces, be sure to wear protective gloves and wash your hands after you are done. If you have children that you fear may have come into contact with geese poop, wash their hands immediately. Because children (and adults) tend to put their fingers near their mouths and around their face, proper washing is a must.

Clean Your Shoes

Tracking geese poop around on your shoes is an easy way to spread any bacteria that is in poop. If you have pets that have been around geese, make sure to clean their paws/feet as well! This will ensure that you are not carrying geese poop into your home.

Hire Geese Control Experts

This is where we come in! We have years of experience serving the Columbus, Ohio community with humane and expert geese control. We use trained dogs to permanently get rid of geese in your area. Contact us today to learn more.

Our Geese Control Methods

We use highly-trained dogs to control the geese on your property. Not only is this the most humane way, but it is also the most effective. We go to great lengths to make sure no birds are harmed. By work day-after-day with proven techniques, we are able to change the behavioral norms of these birds. There is no gimmick that works. No spray, noise-maker, or contraption that works as well as our proven methods. Our favorite properties to work with include:

  • Corporate campuses
  • Class “A” office buildings
  • Shopping centers
  • Hospitals
  • Medical facilities
  • Apartment complexes
  • Homeowner associations