How to Get Rid of Geese
How to Get Rid of Geese
How do you get rid of geese that have decided to call your property home? To answer that question, you must take a hard look as to why the geese are there in the first place.
What’s attracting geese to your property?
It’s simple, geese need food and water. If you have a pond it is much more difficult to scare geese away as they may decide to reside there. If the geese are only on your property to feed, it is much easier to use the following techniques to cause them to go elsewhere.
How to scare the geese away in a humane manner
Prevent the geese from nesting. If you know where geese have nested on your property before, go to those past nesting sites and place a large, heavy object there (so the geese can’t move it). Maybe a heavy, decorative rock.
What if my property has a pond?
If you see any nesting areas on the pond, utilize the same four tactics given at the beginning of this article. And remember, if a goose does lay a single egg, stop all goose scaring tactics immediately and please contact the Ohio Division of Wildlife for the proper permit.
How often do I need to scare the geese?
So, what does Go Geese Go do and how are they humane?
Go Geese Go uses highly trained working dogs that visit your property twice a day. The birds perceive the dogs as predators and they will simply choose to live somewhere else. A heavily infested property may take several years of service to modify the bird’s behavior, but when that is achieved, new birds will not be allowed to call your property “home” any more.
Go Geese Go is a humane solution as we go to great lengths to ensure the birds are not harmed. There is no magic goose repellent chemical, light, noise maker, distress call, fake coyote or pond design that will 100% scare geese away. But a live perceived predator invading their “home” day after day after day works every time!
Our favorite properties to work with include:
Corporate Campuses
Corporate Holdings
Geese Control Services Frequently Asked Questions
Why are there geese on my property?
The biggest reasons geese inhabit your property is food and water. If you have grass for them to munch on or water for them to swim in, drink and roost on overnight chances are they will call your property a home. It’s important to humanely counteract these factors!
How do I permanently get rid of geese?
Not an answer you want to hear, fill in your pond and replace your grass with weeds. As long as you offer food and water you will always attract geese. Our highly trained dogs simply cause the geese to live elsewhere. We use techniques that train the geese to move onto a new home. That, combined with other advice that we give you (like getting rid of other food sources like birdfeeders) is the key!
What is the best goose repellent?
None work consistently over times. The geese are very smart and will soon learn that those devices are no threat. They will never ignore or get used to our trained dogs attempting to herd them because they think they are being hunted. That’s why it’s important to contact the geese control experts!
Are geese bad for your lawn?
Contact Us
Would you like more information? We encourage you to contact us if you have any questions or would like more information about Go Geese Go and our services. As each property is unique, we must do a site visit (you do not need to be present) to determine the fee.